Approaches for the Intervention
in the Architectural Heritage of the 20th Century.
Madrid, Spain
June 14 - 16, 2011
aims of the conference
to call the attention to the growing recognition of the value of the 20th Century heritage
to consider the resulting conservation, protection and management issues relating to this important heritage resource
T1 – Topic 1 - 14th of June
"Identification and recognition of the 20th Century architectural heritage"
The significance of the architectural heritage of the 20th Century is still a subject of debate and controversy. Because of its newness, often experimental materials and technology and the fact that in many cases it is still used for its original function, its conceptualization as valuable heritage worthy of public recognition and protection remains vague and controversial. Historical context and comparative analysis is needed to identify a typology of styles and historical themes which characterise the development of the Century. The opening day of the conference is dedicated to discussing the scope of the concept of 20th Century architectural heritage, which involves reviewing the history, impact and values of the various social and architectural trends and methods for identification and recognition of significant buildings.
T2 – Topic 2 - 15th of June
"Approaches to the conservation and protection of the 20th Century architectural heritage"
The documentation and protection of significant 20th Century buildings is still incomplete, erratic, and thus subject to continuous disputes. Therefore, the second day of the conference is dedicated to the identification and review of international approaches to the conservation, protection and management of 20th Century architectural heritage, in order to meet its specific characteristics.
T3 – Topic 3 - 16th of June
"Approaches to intervention in the 20th Century architectural heritage"
The intervention concentrates all the previous work of conceptualization, historical research and establishment of guidelines for the treatment of 20th Century architectural heritage, and it must also be compatible with contemporary architectural language of its expansions. Although currently we have a very respectable number of examples of interventions of all kinds and of varying success, there is no general agreement about the validity of the used approaches for a heritage that has its own distinctive character. The third day of the conference is devoted to examining the situation in this regard and trying to establish an agreement on essential approches. The previously circulated draft Madrid Document will be finalised as a contribution to the ongoing process of discussion and international debate.
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