Saturday, July 12, 2014

Petar Iokimov (12.08.1935 - 11.07.2014)

Assoc. Prof. Em., M. Architect
passed away

1959       M.Sci. in architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Higher Institute of Civil Engineering (present University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy), Sofia, Bulgaria.
1959-61Designer, Research and Design Institute “Vodproject”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1961-62   Investment control, GTP Co. “Domashni potrebi”, Sofia.
1962-66   Designer, team leader, Design organization “Synproject”, Sofia.
1966-68   Designer, State corporation “Bulgarconserv”, Sofia.
1968-69   Designer, Design InstituteGlavproject”;
Teacher of theory of architectural design, Technical School of Applied Arts, Sofia.
1969-72   Designer, DirectionArchitecture and Town planning”, Sofia.
1972-89  Research associate, Institute of Theory and History of Town Planning and Architecture (ITIGA), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Sofia.
1975-88   Expert-evaluator to the National Institute for Monuments of Culture to the Ministry of Culture, Sofia.
1989-2006 Senior Research Associate, 2nd degree, Center of Architectural Studies (before 1996 ITIGA), BAS, Sofia.
1992-95       Leader of a group research project, financed by the Higher Education Support Programme, Central European University, Prague, Czech Republic.
1994-2000  Leader of a group research project, financed by the National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia.
1995     Three months visit, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA, USA.
1998-2001 Member of the National Council for protection of monuments of culture, a consultation Body to the Minister of Culture of the RBulgaria.
2007-2010 Member of the Permanent Commission on Scientific, Publishing and Information Activities to the Union of Bulgarian Architects. 

main field: 
History of architecture in Bulgaria, 19th - 20th century.
Theory and History of Architecture, 19th - 20th century.
other fields and interests
Compilation and organization of exhibitions; compilation of biographies of architects.
Balkan comparative history of architecture and cultural studies.
Safeguarding of monuments of culture, cultural tourism.

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies 
1992-95    Central European University, Prague, Czech Republic.
1994-2000   National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
1996-99    National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
1997-2000 Open Society Institute, Prague, Czech Republic.
1965 ff.     Union of Bulgarian Architects (UBA), Sofia, Bulgaria.                    
1992-2002 Secretary of the “Architectural Science and Education” Society within the Association of the Societies of Architects in Sofia, Union of Architects in Bulgaria.
1993-2001 Co-founder and coordinator of DOCOMOMO Bulgaria – a chapter to DOCOMOMO International NGO), settled in Delft, The Netherlands.
2001-04   Chairman of DOCOMOMO Bulgaria NGO to DOCOMOMO International settled in Paris, France;
2001-09   Union of Scientists in Bulgaria;
2006 ff.   Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS.
2009-12   Individual member of DOCOMOMO International NGO, settled in Barcelona,     
2012-14   Representative of Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS to the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C).
2009       Honorary diploma and a silver plate for participation in the Jubilee Conferences The Epoch of Tzar Ferdinand I. (part ІEuxinograd, 14.07.2008) (part ІI – Sofia , 20.11.2008), issued by The Women’s Liberal Alliance.
2000       Honorary diploma for a series of articles on the history of Bulgarian architecture, National review of Bulgarian Architecture, Union of Architects in Bulgaria.
1994       Honorary diploma for a seria of articles on the history of Bulgarian architecture, National review of Bulgarian Architecture, Union of Architects in Bulgaria.

Selected publications
Iokimov, P. (main text), L. Stoilova (references, bibliography), Sezession and Bulgarian Architecture, Sofia, “Arch & Art” Publ. House, (2005) [in Bulgarian].
Koeva, M., P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova, Church Architecture in Bulgaria. From the Medieval times until the mid-20th century. Architecture. History. Bibliography. Sofia, Academic Pub. HouseProf. M. Drinov”, (2002). A chapter in collaboration with L. Stoilova (p. 385-512) [in Bulgarian].
2004-05   Self dependently written biographical entries (4) in a multivolume corps AKL - Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, Fndd. & co-pub. by Günter Meißner, 1991 ff.; Book-Edition, ca. 100 vols., approx. 650 pages, K. G. SAUR Verlag, Leipzig-München,  Vol. 39, 40, ff.  (2004-2005) [in German].
Iokimov, P., L. Stoilova, “Epilogue”. - In: Portraits of Disappearing Sofia (Eds.: M. Grekova, M. Mineva). Sofia, ‘East-West’, (2012): pp. 224-232 [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., “The Civil Architecture in the European Way of Bulgaria at the Turn of Two Centuries”, In: The Age of Czar Ferdinand I, Proceedings of a conference on the same topic – Sofia, November 20, 2008, Sofia (2008): 43-51 [in Bulgarian]
Iokimov, P., L. Stoilova, “Leading Architectural Personalities of Independent Bulgaria”, In: The Age of Czar Ferdinand I, Proceedings of a conference on the same topic – Euxinograd, June 14, 2008, Sofia (2008): 73-83 [in Bulgarian]
Iokimov, P.; L. Stoilova."Peculiarities in Architectural Creativity of Pietro Montani". - In: Architectural Heritage of Plovdiv as a Mediator Between History and the Present Day. Annual of the Plovdiv Regional Museum of History.Plovdiv, 2008, pp. 37-45 [in Bulgarian];
Marcella Stern (Wien), Ljubinka Stoilova, Petar Iokimov (Sofia). "Die Stadt Sofia: Ihre bauliche Entwicklung von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart  und Ihr Kulturerbe". - In: Kultur - Erbe - Stadt.Stadtentwicklung und UNESCO-Mandat in post- und spätsozialistischen Städten.Ein Vergleich aus kulturwissen- schaftlicher Perspektive. Studien Verlag, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen, 2008, S. 79-04 [in German].
L. Stoilova, P. Iokimov,"How The Sofia Central Cemetery Might Become an Object of Cultural Tourism According to The European Practice". - In: Sofia and Its Cultural and Historical Heritage. Coll. Serdica - Sredez - Sofia, Coll., Vol. 4 (Valentina Varbanova, Nadezhda Kirova - compilers and scient. editors). Sofia, ITUS, (2008): pp. 145-148, pp. 269-270 [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., “Architektur in Bulgarien 1878-1920”, In: Architektonische Fragmente: Bulgarien, Ausstellungs Katalog, Wien, Verlag Anton Pustet (2007): 42-57 [in German and Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., ”National Romanticism in the Architecture of Sofia After the National Liberation in the Context of the European Process”, In: Sofia and Its Images (CD Proceedings of Symposium with international participation, Compiler: D. Zheleva – Martins et al.), Sofia, (2004): 69-78, with 20 illustrations [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P.; L. Stoilova. “The lost spirit of Sofia. Designers – Architecture – Athmosphere (Destroyed Coffee-Houses in Sofia)". - In: CAFE EUROPE. Proceedings from a conference. Sofia, Damian Iakov Ed. House, 2007, pp. 209-229
Stoilova, L., P. Iokimov, "The Search for Identifiably Native/National Architecture in Bulgaria at the End of the 19th and During the Early 20th Century" [in English], In: GENIUS LOCI. National and Regional Developments in European Architecture 1880-1940, International symposium in Bucharest, Romania, 23-25.04.1999, Bucharest, (2002): pp. 96-105 [in English].
Stoilova, L., P. Iokimov, "Sofia", CENTROPA, A Journal of Central European Architecture and Related Arts, Vol. 1, Nr. 1 (January 2001): 44-53 [in English].
Iokimov, P., Independently written articles (4 бр.), In: Dizionario dellArchitettura Moderna del XX Secolo, Torino-London (2000-2001) [In Italian].
Iokimov, P., “The elite house of Sofia”, In: Sofia - 120 Years Capital City. Jubilee Collection, Sofia (2001): 498-507 [in English]; Sofia (2000) [in Bulgarian].
Stoilova, L., P. Iokimov, “Sofias Mineral Baths”, Sofia, Arkhitektura (Architecture), 6 (1998): 42-45 [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P.,Zwischen Tradition und Akademismus”, Der Architekt, Zeitschrift. des BDA, Bonn, 1 (Januar 1998): 30-34 [in German].
Iokimov, P.,Die ősterreichische Architekturschule in Bulgarien. Sofia um die Jahrhundertwende”, In: Österreichische Architektur in Sofia um die Jahrhundertwende, Sofia, (1998): 11-15 (2nd improved Ed.) [in Bulgarian and German].
Iokimov, P.,Architecture of the town villa in Vratza 1878-1918”, In: The Architecture of Vratza (Col.), Vratza, (1997), (50 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].                                                                              
Iokimov, P.,Architecture of the town villa in Vratza 1918-1944”, In: The Architecture of Vratza (Col.), Vratza, (1997), (50 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].       
Iokimov, P., “Town Planning of Vratza from 1878 until the present”, In: The Architecture of Vratza (Col.), Vratza, (1997), (25 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].                                                                          
1995-96, 2004 Articles for registration of monuments of the Modern Movement in Bulgaria in the Archive/Register of DOCOMOMO International 14 register fiches [in English].
1992          Invited co-compiler and co-editor of an issue 3-4 (1992) of the journal Arkhitectura (Architecture), 3-4 (1992),  Sofia.
Iokimov, P., The rich Sofia’s villa after the Liberation until the First World War (1878-1920), (Habil. Dissertation), Sofia, Central Inst. For Sci. and Techn. Information, (1987) [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., Architecture of buildings for governmental management in Bulgaria, 1878-1944, Sofia, Central Inst. For Sci. and Techn. Information, (1987), (152 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].                          
Iokimov, P., Architecture of religious buildings in Bulgaria, 1878-1944 г., Sofia, Central Inst. For Sci. and Techn. Information, (1987), (244 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., Architecture of buildings for education, 1878-1944, Sofia, Central Inst. For Sci. and Techn. Information, (1987), (288 p. text and illustr.) [in Bulgarian].
Iokimov, P., “The elite villa in Sofia Since the Liberation Until the First World War (1878-1920)”, In: Architecture in Bulgaria 1878-1944, (Col.), Sofia, BAS, (1976): 66–81 [in Bulgarian].                                   
Iokimov, P., S. Kovachevski, Architectural competitions (1878-1944)”, In: Architecture in Bulgaria 1878-1944, (Col.), Sofia, BAS, (1976): 206-236 [in Bulgarian].

Selected exhibitions
Co-Compiler of documentary exhibitions and co-editor of catalogues/flyers to them.
2007       ARCHITEKTONISCHE FRAGMENTE: BULGARIEN - Architectural exhibitioncompiler in team; Vienna, Architektur im Ringturm, 04.10.-09.11.2007. Organizer: Vienna Insurance Group.
2003       A BUILDING AT RISK: Villa Jablanski, 18 Tzar Osvoboditel B/d, SOfia - Architectural and documentary exhibitioncompiler in team; Sofia, 10th Jubilee international triennial of architecture – INTERARCH’2003,
Organizers: DOCOMOMO Bulgaria, University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy 17–21.05.2003.
2002          The Architectural environment of the 20th century
Architectural and documentary exhibitioncompiler in team         
Sofia, Union of Bulgarian Architects Headquarters, 17.04.–17.05.2002.
Organizers: Union of Bulgarian Architects, Bulgarian working party of the International organization for Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement – DOCOMOMO Bulgaria.
1999       City over the city. 120th anniversary of the first regulation survey and 60th anniversary of the first master plan of Sofia
Architectural and documentary exhibitioncompiler in team;
Sofia, Union of Bulgarian Architects Headquarters, 29.02.–12.03.1999.      
1998       Architectural fragments from old Sofia - Architectural and documentary exhibitionconsultant [in Bulgarian]
Sofia, “Archivi” Exhibition Hall, April' 1998. Organizers: General Department of Archives at The Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria, Central State Archive, State Archive – Sofia.
2000       VLIV RAKOUSKÉ ARCHITEKTURY V SOFII KOLEM PŘELOMU STOLETÍ. Podil českých architektů a inženýrů – bulharštií architekti na českých vzdĕlávacích institucích
ÖSTERREICHISCHE ARCHITEKTUREINFLÜSSE IN SOFIA Um die Jahrhundertwende. Beitrage bömischer Architekten und Ingeneure – bulgarische Architekten an böhmischen Ausbildungsstätten - Bulgarian-Austrian exhibitioncompiler in team, Prague, Novomĕstká galerie, 01.11.-29.11. 2000.   
1998,1997  ÖSTERREICHISCHE ARCHITEKTUREINFLÜSSE IN SOFIA Um die Jahrhundertwende - Bulgarian-Austrian exhibitioncompiler in team; Organizers: Sofia History Museum, Center of Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office/ Sofia, Vienna City Hall. Vienna, Bulgarian Cultural Institute “House Wittgenstein”, 19.02.-21.03.1998. Sofia, National History Museum, 22.01.-10.03.1997.

Sofia, July 2014