The UIA will celebrate the theme of architects’ energy versus global crises
Member Sections on 5 October, the 2009 World Day of Architecture. UIA
Louise Cox will pronounce the Union’s official statement from Abidjan,
where a UIA Bureau meeting will be held. BARBARA CAPPOCHIN PRIZE
The international grand prize was awarded to Japanese architect Konishi Hikohito for a
rural residential complex named Aikoku farm, on Hokkaido island. The jury unanimously
expressed its admiration for the project’s simplicity, humility, and authenticity.
The first gold medal dedicated to the memory of Giancarlo Ius was awarded this year
within the programme of the Barbara Cappochin prize. The medal honours an innovative
project in the area of sustainability. Spanish architect Francisco Mangado received this
year’s award for the Spanish pavilion at the Saragossa World’s Fair in 2008.
REQUALIFYING OLD SPACES FOR NEW USESIstanbul Technical University’s Taskisla faculty of architecture and Istanbul Bahcesehir
University will host an international symposium dedicated to revitalising the built
environment on 12 – 16 October 2009. Under the general theme of revitalising the built
environment, the symposium purposefully breaks with terms such as urban regeneration,
housing rehabilitation, upgrading and retrofitting, suggesting ‘requalifying’ as a means to
underline the multi-actor process, the multiple criteria, meanings and values that come
into play when existing buildings and public spaces in urban areas are adapted in order to
improve the quality of life for residents. This initiative, supported by the Turkish Chamber
of Architects, aims to better understand the relationships between new urban
dynamics and urban transformation projects within the global restructuring process.
For more information on the conference
OUR PROFESSION’S FUTUREThe College of Architects of Chile will organise its national congress on 23 – 25 October
on the theme 21st century architects. Who are we? What do we do? What can we do?
Starting from these three questions, Chilean architects will bring into a new perspective
their profession, its institutional and professional framework as well as its technical, social
and ethical practices. This collective rethinking of how the association functions, its
national and local instances, educational and professional training programmes, financial,
constructive and technical processes will be used to develop strategies for action and
orient the profession toward its future.
Colegio de arquitectos de Chile
From 28 – 30 October 2009, Singapore will host its first International Green Building
Council conference on the theme Build Green. The Future is Now. This event is organised
by the Singapore Building and Construction Authority, with the support of the Singapore
Institute of Architects. With an emphasis on green building technologies and designs,
the conference will bring together eminent world experts, and will present Singapore’s first
zero energy building. UIA Vice-President Kazuo Iwamura will speak on the ‘Integrated
green design process’ as an international specialist and director of the UIA work
programme on sustainable architecture for region IV.
SAO PAULO INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE BIENNIALThe Sao Paulo branch of the Brazil Institute of Architects announces the 8th Sao Paulo
international architecture biennial that will be held from 31 October to 6 December 2009,
on the theme Urban Echoes: spaces, connections, originality and sustainability. The
objective of this edition is to present a selection of international projects in architecture
and urban design that show the potential for great, positive transformation in
metropolitan centres and improve the quality of living for their inhabitants. Whether it
involves landscape architecture, lighting design, visual communication or urban
furniture and art, the projects in Sao Paulo will illustrate changes in cities that host major
international cultural or sporting events (Olympic Games, World Fairs, World Cup, etc.), in
the perspective of Sao Paulo’s plans for hosting the 2014 World Cup.
Bruno Roberto Padovano is the biennial’s general curator. An exhibition of projects by
students of architecture for urban services in public parks will also be presented.
Louise Cox will represent the UIA at this biennial.
HISTORIC CENTRES IN DYNAMIC CITIESOn 17 to 21 November 2009, Puebla, Mexico will host the international architecture
congress organised conjointly by the Federation of Associations of Architects of the
Mexican Republic (FCARM) and the Puebla Association of Architects. The historic centre
of Puebla is classified in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The conference will look at
how historic city centres can revitalise cities, and examine the role of historic districts
and their cultural identity in the development of historic cities, and the particularities of
housing in these areas. The FCARM assembly will take place in parallel to this conference.
Also on this occasion, UIA President Louise Cox will receive FCARM’s presidential
MELINDA DODSON PRESIDENT - AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTSMelinda Dodson is, following Louise Cox in 1994 – 1995, the second woman to serve as
president of the Australian Institute of Architects. Ms. Dodson has practiced in Adelaide
and Canberra where she managed educational, commercial, university and public health
facilities. In 2007 and 2008, she was president of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
chapter, where she made a strong engagement with the ACT government and Housing
Industry Association to promote sustainable social housing. Sustainable cities and
architecture are among the priorities of her presidential programme. Melinda Dodson
follows Howard Tanner as the institute’s president. President Elect Karl Fender will take
over the presidency in 2010.
Australian Institute of Architects KINGDOM
RUTH REED - RIBA PRESIDENTThe Royal Institute of British Architects has, for the first time, a woman president. Ruth
Reed has extensive professional experience and has taught architecture since 1993. She
is currently Course Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Architectural Practice at the
Birmingham School of Architecture and a partner of Green Planning Solutions, a firm
that creates innovative concepts for developments in sensitive rural areas. She has served
as president of the Royal Society of Architects in Wales, as a RIBA council member and as
Vice President of membership and chair of the RIBA CPD-sub-committee. Ruth Reed
succeeds Sunand Prasad as RIBA President.
Royal Institute of British Architects
NEW ESTONIAN ARCHITECTURE: BOOM/ROOMOpen in October 2008, the museum of Estonian architecture dedicated its first exhibition
to national realisations built between 2000 and 2008. Over one hundred projects of
varying scales illustrate the economic growth and the vast wave of constructions that has
swept Estonia in the first years of this new century. The exhibition catalogue, prepared
by its curator Pille Epner and Tuuli Aule, was recently published.
300 pages - bilingual Estonian/English
Price: 10 euros + shipping
Contact: Estonian Union of Architects REGION I - BRUSSELS MEETING
From 4 - 7 November 2009, this programme will meet in Brussels, Belgium, in particular
to plan its contribution to the next UIA world congress that will take place in Tokyo in 2011.
Contact :
Michel Kalt, programme director
The Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT) and its Ankara branch are organising a
congress dedicated to architecture and children on 18 – 21 November 2009. Archild 2009
is an initiative on the part of the chamber to provide forum for sharing theories and
practical experience on how children perceive cities and architectural works. This event is
supported by the UIA and will enjoy an important contribution from the UIA work
programme Architecture and children. Programme co-director Ewa Struzynska will give
the main conference, and Hannes Hubrich will preside the conference in conjunction with
Nimet Özgönül. Topics to be discussed include: the environment through children’s eyes,
children and space, and activities with children. The work programme will hold a meeting
immediately following the congress, on 22 November, in Ankara. co-directors:
Ewa Struzynska:
struzyns@club-internet.frHannes Hubrich:
hannes.hubrich@t-online.deARCHITECTURE AND TOURISM
On 5 – 6 November 2009, the city of Salta, Argentina, will host a work programme
meeting on the theme of architecture for tourism in fragile environments – the Latin
American experience. This meeting will take place within the framework of the first
international congress on architecture and the environment organised by the college of
architects of Salta on 2 – 4 November 2009. The congress will focus on sustainability in
relation to architecture and urban and territory planning. UIA Past President Jaime Lerner
will be among the speakers at this event, along with Janna Mitsou, UIA work programme
director, who will present sustainable development experiences on the small islands in
eastern Greece.
Janna Mitsou, director of the UIA work programme Architecture and tourism