Tuesday, November 12, 2013

P. Iokimov, L. Stoilova - Secesssion and Bulgarian Architecture

Петър Йокимов (основен текст с илюстрации, лексикон)
Любинка Стоилова (бележки с илюстрации, библиография)
Petar Iokimov (main text with illustrations, lexicon)
Ljubinka Stoilova (references with illustrations, bibliography)

Сецесионът и българската архитектура
Secession and Bulgarian Architecture

ИК “Арх и арт борса”, С., (2005)
от поредицата “Българско архитектурно наследство”,
дизайн: Георги Деведжиев, Валентина Богданова

Сецесионът и българскатa архитектура
Съдържание                     Contents
Предговор                          Preface
от доц. д-р арх. Добрина Желева - Мартинс

Сецесионът и българскатa архитектура
1 глава. Началото            
Chapter 1. The Beginning

Сецесионът и българскатa архитектура
2 глава. Сецесионът в България    
Chapter 2.  Secession in Bulgaria

Сецесионът и българскатa архитектура -
3 глава. Лексикон                
Chapter 3. Lexicon of Secsssionist Details

Сецесионът и българскатa архитектура -
Именен показалец               Index
Библиография                     Bibliography
Резюме на английски език    Summary in English

Представяне на книгата "Сецесионът и българската архитектура" - 2005

Представяне на книгата "Сецесионът и българската архитектура" - 2006 г.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A letter from Sheridan Burke, ICOMOS ISC20c President

ICOMOS ISC20C Heritage Toolkit

A web-based toolkit of reference resources for conserving the Heritage of the Twentieth Century

This on-line reference collection of benchmark “best practice” documents is being progressively assembled by and for members of the ICOMOS ISC20C. The entries identify the range of work being done world-wide to simultaneously advance the development of heritage principles and technical research that is worth sharing to assist the conservation of Twentieth Century heritage.  

The ISC20C toolkit aims to share new methodologies and approaches to conservation practice, by providing access to information and sources that its own members find useful. All ISC20C members are invited to share up to 10 benchmark heritage tools (guidelines, policies, publications, websites) that they professionally  use regularly as reference resources - with a brief summary and a hyperlink or PDF where practical (and legal) to make them electronically accessible to everyone.

NOTE: The following thematic classification, under which the benchmark “best practice” documents have been sorted, has been developed using the Getty Conservation Institute  publication “Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography” as an organizing framework.

Contributions from all ISC20C members in every language are welcome.   Sheridan Burke, ICOMOS ISC20C President

April 9, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Minding the Gap: The Role of Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment

С оглед на разликата: Ролята на съвременната архитектура в историческа среда

A One-Day Symposium еднодневен симпозиум
May 21, 2013, 8:00 am–8:30 pm 21 май 2013 г., 08:00 - 20:00 часа
Harold M. Williams Auditorium Зала "Харолд М. Уилиямс"
The Getty Center, Los Angeles Център "Пол Гети", Лос Анджелис

Heritage conservation is about managing change—and nowhere is this more contentious than in the historic urban environment. How do today's architects insert new buildings in cherished historic urban areas in a way that respects, reveals, and celebrates their special character while potentially creating the heritage of tomorrow?

This one-day public symposium will explore the role of contemporary architecture in the historic urban environment. A group of international architects and urban planners—including

Thomas H. Beeby http://architecture.nd.edu/about/driehaus-prize/recipients/thomas-beeby/,
Juergen Mayer H. http://www.jmayerh.de/1-0-Architecture-Design-Research.html,
Richard Meier http://www.richardmeier.com/www/,
Rafael Moneo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Moneo,
Richard Rogers http://www.richardrogers.co.uk/rshp_home,
and Denise Scott Brown http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Venturi
will present their own work, illustrating a range of approaches to this challenge.
The symposium will conclude with an evening panel discussion moderated by architectural critic Paul Goldberger.
Консервацията на културното наследство е на път да се промени като начин на управление - и никъде това не е по-спорно, отколкото в историческата градска среда. Как днешните архитекти вписват нови сгради в грижливо пазените исторически градски части по начин, който да респектира, разкрива и акцентира техния специфичен характер докато потенциално създава културното наследство на утрешния ден?
Този открит еднодневен симпозиум ще изследва ролята на съвременната архитектура в историческата градска среда. Група международно утвърдени архитекти и градостроители - вкл. Томас Х. Бийби, Юрген Майер, Ричард Майер, Рафаел Монео, Ричард Роджерс и Денис Скот Браун - ще представят свои работи, илюстрирайки широк спектър от подходи към това предизвикателство. Симпозиумът ще завърши с дискусия във вечерен панел, модерирана от архитектурния критик Пол Голдбергер.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Parliamentary Assembly                                    
Council of Europe
Doc. 1313415 February 2013

Industrial heritage in Europe

Report 1Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
Rapporteur: Ms Ismeta DERVOZ, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Group of the European People's Party


The tangible and intangible components of industrial heritage form an essential part of European shared
identity as they reflect a rich historic interaction through the transfer of skills and expertise, technology and processes across national boundaries.
However, the industrial heritage is highly vulnerable, most often lost for lack of awareness, documentation, recognition or protection, but also because of changing economic trends and difficult environmental issues or due to its overwhelming size and complexity. Public authorities should better understand and value the potential of industrial heritage, which can become a key element for sustainable territorial and socio-economic
regeneration. The report makes a number of practical recommendations to national decision-makers with a view to ensuring that the legacy of Europe’s Age of Industry is safeguarded for future generations. At the European level, UNESCO and the European Union are invited to engage with the Council of Europe in developing a European label for the industrial heritage and to support the campaign of the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage (E-FAITH) for a European Industrial Heritage Year in 2015.

1. Reference to committee: Doc. 12677, Reference 3799 of 3 October 2011.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Docomomo Journal 47 (2012/2) - Global Design

DATE: 7/12/2012
an Introduction by
Ana Tostões, Chair of docomomo International
The study of Modern interior space and furniture is reinforced with the second 2012 docomomo Journal.
The variety, complexity and preservation case studies; or the discussion on materiality and techniques, explains the argument of this Journal: Global Design.
Coming back from the 12th International docomomo Conference held in Tapiola at the Espoo Cultural Center docomomo wishes to stress the Conference theme
“Survival of Modern, from Coffee Cup to General Plan”.
Following Richard Neutra expression “Survival through Design”, and Gropius statement “design from the cup of coffee to the general plan” ability, the aim is to face the new worldwide
challenges. In fact, I am sure that docomomo commitment and effort made through a competent network of professionals is each time more valuable, more necessary, and more imperative! We all know that times are changing, times are changing at high speed!
Thanks to Finland, the motto “Survival of Modern” justifies going deeper in the relation that connects form and function, esthetics and ethics. That’s also why the argument is Global Design. The aim of this collective and interdisciplinary reflexion is to contribute for the discussion that relates Modern heritage and interior space, common daily life and musealization of Modern Interior Spaces, gathered underneath a global strategy to better understand and preserve these delicate monuments. In fact, the interior space with all devices and furniture pieces is frequently neglected as an essential matter in safeguard interventions.

This issue wishes, in a certain sense, to pay tribute to education and pedagogic skills, to preservation and re-use approaches, in order to enlighten the relevance of sensorial and tactile comfort, economy and beauty, utility and simplicity; and at the same time, improving regional roots in order to fulfill the sense of the place.
Indeed, the small scale was an important theme at the International docomomo Conference ‘The Survival of Modern, from Coffee Cup to General Plan’, which, together with the Workshop and the Docotours, took place in Espoo, Finland, between August 2 and 13. During the Council Meeting, celebrated at the Espoo Cultural Center, a proposal to create an ISC on Interior Design was also discussed and hopefully it could be created in 2014. Seven new docomomo Chapters were also accepted: China, Georgia, Hong Kong, Macau, Iran, Lebanon and Ukraine, and the candidacy of docomomo Korea to organize the next International docomomo Conference in Korea in 2014, was approved. It was also an opportunity to strengthen links with the UIA, the Fondation Le Corbusier and ICOMOS 20th century committee. In the next two years, the International Specialist Committees will also have important challenges as you can read in their plans of action which have been presented in the docomomo Newsletter which has been retaken. In this Journal you will find a summary of the contents of the Conference, the Workshop and the Tours, written by their organizers, Timo Tuomi, Tommi Lindh, Olli Hakanen, Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen and Aino Niskanen. Finally, the keynote presentations by Juha Leiviskä, Juhani Pallasmaa, John Allan, Mikko Heikkinen and Anthony Vidler, reinforced the connection between docomomo and architectonic production. In this occasion we would like to thank Anthony Vidler for allowing us to publish his lecture on ‘Learning to Love Brutalism’.
Finally, I wish to thank Bárbara Coutinho who so powerfully helped us acting as guest editor of this ‘Global Design’ Dossier, continuing the work of the previous “Designing Modern Life” Journal, together with the involvement of architects, art historians and restorers who have generously shared with us their wide experience and their thought and theoretical reflection on the issue.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Visualizing a Walkable City - experience in Spain

walker-friendly urban policy in the city of Pontevedra in northwest Spain
- a fruitful example to follow

proactive measures to reduce traffic

Pontevedra's city council produced a map that visualizes the distances and travel times between key places on foot at an average speed of five kilometers per hour

Free parking areas are marked to encourage visitors to leave their cars outside the city center.
Known as Metrominuto, the map has color-coded lines that resemble those of a subway guide.

"Metrominuto is an idea that can be easily transposed in cities that have 80,000 inhabitants (or less), of which there are more in Europe


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soviet Modernism 1955-1991

Design behind the Iron Curtain ...
November 8th, 2012 February 25th, 2013
From Estonia to blocks of flats in Belarus and impressive public buildings in Georgia, this collection reminds us that while dissent was repressed, the Soviet spirit for creativity found its outlets regardless of borders and the iron curtain.

A publication released by Park Books
Complied by Katahrina Ritter, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, and Alexandra Wachter. Preface by Dietmar Steiner
1st edition, 2012
360 pages, 634 color and 388 b/w illustrations
24.5  x 29 cm
ISBN 978-3-906027-14-2

While Constructivism and Stalinist architecture are familiar to a specialist audience, knowledge of postwar Soviet Modernism in architecture is very limited. Much of the former Eastern Bloc’s architecture is regarded as monotonous and uninteresting.
Yet a closer look reveals that hardly any linear development of a formal architectural vocabulary can be ascertained.
In a ground-breaking research project undertaken by the Architekturzentrum Wien Az W the remarkable architecture in the fourteen non-Russian former Soviet republics between the 1950s and the end of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been explored. Soviet Modernism 1955–1991 presents this untold architectural history in four chapters: Baltic States, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Each country is covered with a factsheet including also a concise historical overview, a research and travel report and a scholarly essay. Additional essays investigate Soviet urban planning and large-scale housing programs and typologies of large Soviet cities.
A catalogue raisonné of around 400 important buildings, richly illustrated with images and plans, and a bibliography complete the book.

With essays by Rasim Aliyev, Ruben Arevshatyan, Vladimir Belogolovsky, Elke Beyer, Gamal Bokonbaev, Boris Chukhovich, Marija Dremaite, Anatolie Gordeev, Mart Kalm, Andreas Kappeler, Philipp Meuser, Rusudan Mirzikashvili, Rustam Mukimov, Ruslan Muradov, Feliks Novikov, Vaidas Petrulis, Oleksiy Radynski, Katharina Ritter, Maija Rudovska, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Yuliya Sorokina, Iliana Veinberga, Alexandra Wachter, and Dimitij Zadorin