Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Central Railway Station in Stuttgart - a Modern Monument of culture at risk / Централната гара в Щутгарт - модерен паметник на културата в риск
Централната железопътна гара в Щутгарт -
творба на известния немски архитект Паул Бонац, преподавател на редица български архитекти, учили в Германия - е застрашена от разрушаване.
ДОКОМОМО Германия е предприела протестна акция чрез ДОКОМОМО Интернешънъл
в защита целостта на сградата.
Dear Docomomo friends,
We have received this information regarding the demolition of the northern wing of the Stuttgart Central Station (see the attached photos and further photos below; see also www.kopfbahnhof-21.de). We invite you to spread this information and collaborate in the best way possible. Docomomo International is actively supporting this campaign.
Kind regards,
Ivan Blasi, Secretary
Docomomo International
ДОКОМОМО Германия обяснява:
* Since Friday night the German Railway company prepares the demolition of the northern wing of the Stuttgart Central Station (advanced to August) protected by hundreds of policemen against thousands of citizens (see the attached photos and further photos below; see also www.kopfbahnhof-21.de)
Ето писмото на ДОКОМОМО Германия до отговорните институции
Dear Sir, dear Madam,
the recent happenings in the city of Stuttgart may not be interesting for you*, but if ever you don’t want to allow politicians destroying important buildings without necessity, please get active.
I accuse the responsible politicians of cultural vandalism and of deficient democratic respect. Because of a lack of time you’ll find the attachment only in the German version entitled “Stuttgart 21 – The Vandals are before the town gates”). However, in case you want this unique building entirely to be preserved please write a letter or send an e-mail (e.g. forwarding this e-mail with your comment) to the following persons to stop this vandalism:
Dr. Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
D-10557 Berlin
Dr. Rüdiger Grube
Vorsitzender des Vorstands der
Deutsche Bahn AG
Potsdamer Platz 2
D-10786 Berlin
OB Dr. Wolfgang Schuster
D-70173 Stuttgart
or inform your local newspaper
Dr. Matthias Roser