Monday, October 22, 2012

Designing Modern Life

Под това заглавие наскоро излезе от печат най-новият брой на

органа на международната организация DOCOMOMO International
Docomomo Journal 46 (Summer 2012)

Designing Modern Life by Ana Tostões

Why Preserve Modern Now? by Bárbara Coutinho
Visions on Furniture by Jurjen Creman
Modern Architecture and Modern Furniture by Otakar Mácêl
Mies van der Rohe’s Tugendhat House – Weightless Living by Monika Wagner
Investigation and Production of Furniture for Villa Tugendhat 2009–2012 by Miroslav Ambroz
Modernism in Finnish Furniture Design and Production by Pekka Korvenmaa
Artek and Alvar Aalto by Mia Hipeli
Metsäpaviljonski, Form Follows Wood by Cristian Suau
Charles and Ray Eames: Modern Living in a Postwar Era by Kyle Normandin
Clara Porset. A Modern Designer for Mexico by Louise Noelle
Gaston Eysselinck and his Masterpiece. The Post Office Building in Ostend (1945-1953) by Marc Dubois
Dieter Rams. Ethics and Modern Philosophy: What Legacy Today? by Klaus Klemp

Documentation Issues:
ODAM and the Construction of a Modern Spirit by Edite Rosa
Svetlovodsk: Realized Urban Utopia of the USSR by Vladislav Tyminski and Anna Kamyshan

docomomo News and Information / Tribute
Book Reviews

Designing Modern Life
Във въвеждащата статия от председателката на международната организация Ana Tostões
се акцентира значението на интериорния дизайн като ключов проблем на опазването за модерния начин на живот,
върху който се съсредоточава последната международна конференция на ДОКОМОМО Интернешънъл във Финландия (август 2012).

Целият брой на списанието
дискутира стратегиите за опазване на интериорите на модернизма
и техния критически дискурс
като път към по-пълното разбиране на този деликатен слой от културното наследство.
Като се обхваща изследването на процеса на реставрация и ноу-хау, новите модерни материали и техники се обсъждат с оглед на нови начини на опазване и новаторски решения на консервация.
Знае се, че пространството на модернизма изисква обзавеждане, подчинено на единна дизайнерска концепция, която днес се стреми да идентифицира всеки детайл с оглед процеса на реконструкция, където издирването на документацията е един от ключовете към успеха.
Накрая се отдава залуженото на финландската култура и нейния оригинален принос към дизайна. Признава се, че концепцията за органичните форми и употребата на естествените материали, развива различна насока, отчитаща сензорния и тактилен комфорт.
Тази тема следва глобалните насоки на дизайна, но е резултат от предизвикателството на финландския подход към архитектурата на Модерното движение - чрез органичния подход отдава предимство на комфорта и икономичното, на красотата и функционалността, на простотата и синтеза; като изтъква местните корени изразява духа на мястото.

Ето какво още се казва в статията:
Docomomo acknowledges the major relevance of reflecting on the Modern Movement heritage, focusing on one of the most fragile conservation issues: modern interior space namely on modern furniture and product design questions.

The aim is to contribute for the discussion that relates modern heritage and interior space, common daily life and musealization of Modern Interior Spaces, gathered underneath a global strategy, to better understand and preserve these delicate monuments. In fact, the interior space with all devices and furniture pieces is frequently not appreciated as an essential matter in safeguard interventions. That’s why 2012 docomomo Journals are devoted to interior design and furniture, discussing preservation strategies and critical reflexions.

Ranging from restoration process research and know-how, new modern materials and techniques are discussed facing up to new conservation process and innovative rehabilitation solutions, as well. One knows that Modern spatiality must require furniture conceived under a unitary design concept, which implies today to identify every detail with the aim of a reconstruction process, where research on documentation is one of the success keys.

This year of 2012, when docomomo major Conference is hosted at the Espoo Cultural Center, the stimulus of this city center settlement in connection to Otaniemi University Campus is the starting point that justifies going deeper in the relation that connects form and function, esthetics and ethics. In fact, as Gropius stated, the “design from the cup of coffee to the urban plan” ability is the motto challenge for the 12th docomomo International Conference simultaneously with Helsinki being the World Design Capital 2012 dealing with all disciplinary aspects.

Finally, this issue wishes to pay tribute to the Finnish culture and its original contribution to Design. Indeed, through the conception of organic forms and the use of natural materials, a different path has been explored answering to sensorial and tactile comfort. Following the global design idea, this theme is the result of a challenge which is related to the Finnish approach to Modern Movement architecture, namely to an organic character that privileges comfort and economy, beauty and utility, simplicity and synthesis; improving regional roots in order to fulfill the sense of the place.

Ana Tostões
Chair of docomomo International

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Духовната сила на съзиданието

Стоилова, Л.
“Духовната сила на съзиданието:
Архитект Костадин Мумджиев (08.07.1892-25.11.1946)”,
Паметници, Реставрация, Музеи, 12 (2009): 3-10, 15.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Architect Wessel de Jonge - Continuity and Change

Continuity and Change: Approaches to Conserving Modern Architecture Internationally

Architect Wessel de Jonge, co-founder of DOCOMOMO International—the international working party for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement—
will present a lecture
on the restoration and reuse of the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam
at the Getty Center, Harold M. Williams Auditorium, on November 15, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
Van Nelle Factory, designed by Johannes Brinkman and Leendert van der Vlugt, 1931, Rotterdam.
Photo: 2007, Kyle Normandin

The Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam is considered an icon of Modernism.
Designed and constructed by Brinkman and Van der Vlugt in the 1920s, the factory had a huge impact on the development of modern architecture in Europe and elsewhere. It was not just its architectural style, but also its response to the social challenges of the day that made the Van Nelle factory special. It was designed on the premise that a modern, transparent, and healthy working environment in green surroundings would be good both for production and for workers' welfare.
Leendert Cornelis van der Vlugt (1894 - 1936 . Rotterdam, The Netherlands) known for his office Brinkman & Van der Vlugt - the office lasted only about ten years because van der Vlugt died in 1936 (Hodgkin's disease). Both architects had created buildings of international rank like the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam (1930).

Dutch architect, Wessel de Jonge, led the award winning restoration project for the adaptive reuse of the Van Nelle Factory (1999-2004). Today, the Van Nelle Design Factory provides office space for new media and design companies. The project and its team received the Europa Nostra Award, the Grand Prix of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage, in 2008.

Wessel de Jonge

graduated from Delft University of Technology and is a successful practicing architect and academic and co-founder of DOCOMOMO International. In addition to his large-scale rehabilitation project for the Van Nelle Design Factory his other projects include the restoration of Gerrit Rietveld's 1953 Dutch Pavilion for the Venice Biennale (1995); the rehabilitation of the 1947 former Control Tower at Amsertdam's Schiphol International Airport (2001); and the restoration of Duiker and Bijvoet's 1926-31 Zonnestraal sanatorium in Hilversum, the Netherlands, in cooperation with Henket Architects (2003).

2010 WMF/Knoll Modernism Prize goes to DOCOMOMO’s founders, 10/25/2010

World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize Goes to Bierman Henket,
Wessel de Jonge
By Stephanie Murg
on November 1, 2010