Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Архитект Нено Ямантиев - творчество и съдба

из цикъла «Творци на българската архитектура»
на д-р арх. Л. Стоилова

Architect Neno Yamantiev - creativity and fate
from the cycle "Creators of Bulgarian Architecture"
by L. Stoilova, M.Arch, Ph.D.

On the 31st of January 2012 we celebrate the 110th Anniversary
from the birth of architect Neno Yamantiev (1902 - 1965).
The 44th year from his death will be noted in October this year,
but still a small part of his diverse artistic world
has been uncovered for wide public.
Each artist deserves to become well known not only through
the results of his creativity, but also as a manner of work,
as a personality and through his own fate, as well.

For the first time I tried to introduce architect N. Yamantiev
with a paper at the conference "White spots in the history of Bulgarian architecture", organized by the Union of Architects in Bulgaria (09.02.1995).
Short before taking the microphone I was pushed and
the slides to the text littered over the floor.
Certainly, in the last moment I was not able
to put them in order and my show was corrupted.

Since then my several attempts to publish the text
in different editions were not successful -
always something did not match - was that the architect or the aiuthor ?!
The paper did not enter also the thematic issue of journal Architecture
dedicated to Modern architecture (Nr. 1/2010 - http://20c-arch-bg.blogspot.com/p/modernism-yesterday-today-tomorrow.html),
due to its reduced volume.

Today I disseminate the text in Internet
with the hope that it will meet the maximum number of readers,
who are interested in the fate
of the Modern architecture and Modern architects in Bulgaria.
I owe this to the architect's heirs - Anna and Hristo Yamantiev,
who were keeping keenly the memory about their father
and committed generously a lot of
his materials and their own recollections about him.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities

Yildiz Technical University
ICOMOS-ICORP (International Committee on Risk Preparedness)
are organizing
an international symposium on
“Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk:
Challenges and Opportunities”
November 15-17, 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey.

The aims of this symposium are:
To contribute towards reducing slow and catastrophic risks in short and long term, by sharing various case studies carried out or planned for mitigating their impacts and developing solutions with the cooperation of professionals working in this area.

To adopt a comprehensive approach that includes all kinds of risks of natural and human origin that threaten/might threaten cultural heritage.

Various themes and topics would include all kinds of direct or indirect risks, including wars and local conflicts, large-scale projects that fail to recognize cultural heritage, effects of mass tourism, legislations and policies and their consequences which sometimes do not consider cultural heritage at all or in limited way are within the scope of the symposium.

For detailed information, please look at:

Техническият университет Yildiz
(Международният комитет за готовност за посрещане на рискове към ИКОМОС)
международен симпозиум,
посветен на опазването на културното наследство във време на риск
“Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk:
Challenges and Opportunities”
15-17 ноември 2012, в Истанбул, Турция.

Целите на симпозиума са:
Да допринесе за намаляване на бавно-действащите и катастрофичните рискове
в краткосрочен и дългосрочен аспект
чрез запознаване с различни проучвания на конкретни случаи -
провеждани или предвидени за намаляване на рисковите влияния
и разработка на решения в сътрудничество с професионалисти, работещи в тази сфера.

Да се възприеме изчерпателен подход,
включващ всички видове рискове
с човешки или природен произход,
които застрашават/могат да застрашат
културното наследство.

Различните теми могат да включат
всички видове директни и индиректни рискове,
включително войни и локални конфликти;
широкообхватни проекти, които
не успяват да разпознаят културното наследство;
за ефектите на масовия туризъм;
за законодателствата и политиките, и техните последици,
които понякога пренебрегват
изцяло или частично културното наследство.

За подробна информация: